00:06 Today we'll do another episode about collections, the third in the
series. Before, we looked at implementing custom extensions on the collection
types and protocols, and today, we'll implement a simple custom collection.
00:33 Let's look at our example. We have a Calendar
struct where we
want to store some events. The invariant we'll use is that the events are sorted
by start date. We could add a comment to the property to document this:
struct Event {
var startDate: Date
struct Calendar {
var events: [Event] = []
01:07 To insert an event, we can add a method. The simplest way is to
append it to events and then sort the entire array. This isn't very efficient,
but it does the job for the example:
mutating func insert(_ event: Event) {
events.sort { e1, e2 in
e1.startDate < e2.startDate
A Custom Struct
02:00 It would be much nicer if we didn't have to pay attention to the
sorting in every mutating method of our calendar. This way, if a method changes
something in the events, it doesn't have to worry about keeping the events
sorted. We could pull the sorting logic out of the Calendar
struct into its
own data type and make it into a custom collection called SortedArray
. It's
good to separate the sorted array from the calendar because this way, we can add
more logic to our Calendar
struct without having to worry about the invariant:
struct Calendar {
var events: SortedArray<Event> = []
02:40 We'd like to have a struct, SortedArray
. It'll be generic over
, just like Array
. Inside, we can have a property, elements
. Our
struct is simply a wrapper around Array
; we won't implement much functionality
ourselves. In the insert
method, we do something similar to what happened in
the Calendar
: we append and sort. We need a function that can compare two
elements — areInIncreasingOrder
— which we'll store as a property in the
struct SortedArray<Element> {
var elements: [Element]
let areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) -> Bool
mutating func insert(_ element: Element) {
elements.sort(by: areInIncreasingOrder)
04:20 Now we have to see that we can initialize our struct with an
existing sequence of elements and a function that compares two elements. We
already get a memberwise initializer, but it'll only work correctly if the
elements are already sorted. Instead, we'll write a custom initializer. We can
easily make our initializer work with a sequence by constraining the sequence to
make sure the Iterator.Element
is the same as our generic type, Element
init<S: Sequence>(unsorted: S, areInIncreasingOrder: @escaping (Element, Element) -> Bool) where S.Iterator.Element == Element {
elements = unsorted.sorted(by: areInIncreasingOrder)
self.areInIncreasingOrder = areInIncreasingOrder
06:42 By putting the custom initializer inside the struct definition,
the memberwise initializer is gone. Now we can create a sorted array and insert
var x = SortedArray(unsorted: [3,1,2], areInIncreasingOrder: <)
Conforming to Collection
07:46 Once we finish our struct, we want to hide elements
as a private
implementation detail. Next, we make SortedArray
conform to the Collection
protocol so that we can iterate over the elements and use methods like count
, and filter
. We start by writing an extension on SortedArray
. In order
to conform to Collection
, we need four things: a startIndex
, an endIndex
a subscript
, and a method called index(after:_)
, which advances an index.
08:43 We can implement these four methods by forwarding the call to the
backing array. That will make our collection simple:
extension SortedArray: Collection {
var startIndex: Int {
return elements.startIndex
var endIndex: Int {
return elements.endIndex
subscript(index: Int) -> Element {
return elements[index]
func index(after i: Int) -> Int {
return elements.index(after: i)
10:05 That was straightforward, and we now have access to all the
functionality that Collection
and Sequence
var x = SortedArray(unsorted: [3,1,2])
for y in x {
10:36 There are many methods we get by conforming to Collection
. Most
of these methods are on Sequence
, a parent protocol. We didn't have to conform
to Sequence
explicitly; we got the conformance for free by conforming to
. If we say x.makeIterator()
, we can see that we get an
as the type. Once you implement the four
methods above and conform to the Collection
protocol, the Collection
protocol will provide you with things — such as a default iterator — for free.
You could still write your own, but you don't have to. At first, it's surprising
we have to conform to Sequence
, because the things we've implemented are so
different. But out of these four methods, everything for Sequence
can be
provided for us.
Overriding Default Methods
11:32 Another interesting method we get from the Collection
conformance is min()
. This will return the minimum element within the
collection, and we can override this for SortedArray
. The default
implementation doesn't know the elements are sorted, so it'll loop over all the
elements and return the minimum value. Instead, we could be more efficient by
returning the first element in our sorted array:
extension SortedArray {
func min() -> Element? {
return elements.first
A Custom Initializer
12:36 There are some additional improvements we could make. For example,
if a type is already Comparable
, we could add an initializer so that we don't
have to provide a comparison function. Again, we'll pass in an unsorted
extension SortedArray where Element: Comparable {
init<S: Sequence>(unsorted: S) where S.Iterator.Element == Element {
self.init(unsorted: unsorted, areInIncreasingOrder: <)
14:13 Now we can write the following code, because Int
s already
conform to Comparable
var x = SortedArray(unsorted: [3,1,2])
14:24 If we have something that doesn't conform, we can still use the
original initializer with an explicit comparison function. Or if we want our
s sorted in the reverse direction, we could pass in the >
operator as our
comparison function.
14:41 Of course, our implementation is naive and inefficient. In a real
implementation, you'd insert the elements immediately at the correct place
instead of appending and sorting. However, this example demonstrates it can be
useful to create a custom collection: we can encapsulate the fact that the array
is sorted.
15:06 There are some other protocols we could also conform to: we could
conform to RangeReplaceCollection
, but it wouldn't make much sense, because
then we could replace a range with random integers. A simpler example is
, which allows us to assign new values to existing indices.
But then we'd immediately need to invalidate the index, because the new value
will probably be stored at a different index. However, we can conform to
so that we get a cheap reversed()
, and we can
conform to RandomAccessCollection
as well. There might also be some more
methods, such as min()
and max()
, that we could override.
16:22 In future episodes, we'll have a look at creating a completely
custom collection instead of just a simple wrapper.